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Hendersons - Barristers' Chambers


Friendship and mutual support are at the heart of Henderson Chambers’ ethos. Members value above all the camaraderie that has existed for many years. It is with these factors in mind that Chambers has developed several formal and informal policies and schemes with the specific aim of supporting staff, pupils and members through any difficulties that they may face in their professional life. In recent years, Chambers has focussed on what it can do to preserve and enhance the supportive environment which is so valued. This has led to many discussions about the importance of wellbeing and to the formal polices, practices and schemes that are currently in place.

Henderson Chambers are delighted to have been one of the first chambers to be awarded a Certificate of Recognition by the Bar Council in November 2017, for the work of chambers to promote wellbeing across the Bar.

‘Henderson Chambers deserves recognition for its focus on pupil and new tenant wellbeing (including financial support and investing in mentoring) and its genera/ approach to members’ wellbeing, including the provision of counselling and flexible work arrangements /return to work support. We particularly like its ethos — that members look out for each other’.

The Bar Council relaunched the programme in 2023 and Henderson Chambers is pleased to be awarded the new Wellbeing Certificate in recognition for outstanding work to improve wellbeing at the Bar.

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