Geraint Webb KC
"A superb barrister…” “Watching him in court is like watching a master class in cross-examination.” "Anything involving product liability or complex issues of expert evidence, he's far and away the best in the business. He is tremendously good on his feet and is also the best strategist and tactician I have ever met."
Chambers UK 2024
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Geraint Webb KC is identified as a leading silk in 8 practice areas by the legal directories: Group Litigation, Product Liability, Commercial Litigation, Property Damage, Environmental Law, Professional Negligence, Insurance & Reinsurance, and Inquests & Public Inquiries.
Geraint was named Group Litigation Silk of the Year at the Legal 500 UK Bar Awards 2024.
Product Liability and domestic group litigation: Geraint is ranked in the top tier by the legal directories for product liability. He has acted in many of the major product liability actions of the past 25 years across a range of sectors, including pharma/life sciences, automotive, aviation, engineering, extractive industries, construction, agriculture, food and drink and retail.
“Incredibly bright and a very strategic thinker. Deeply experienced …” (Legal 500 2023); “A leader in the field on the defendant side, his strategic grasp of the issues, exceptional intellect, and outstanding resilience are exceptional.” (Legal 500 2022). “Geraint Webb KC boasts an impressive product liability practice…” “very strategic” “… always a pleasure to work with” (Chambers UK 2023). “He takes time to understand the commercial and wider objectives of the client and is a phenomenal strategist.” (Chambers UK 2022).
International Group Litigation, environmental and human rights claims: Geraint is ranked by the legal directories in the top tier for Group Litigation and has acted in many of the largest group litigation/class action claims of recent years. His international group litigation work encompasses a range of environmental claims, business and human rights claims as well as product liability actions. He is deeply experienced in assisting corporate clients navigate complex commercial and ESG risks, including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Geraint is regularly instructed by multinationals in claims concerning parent company liability issues, cross-border disputes and jurisdiction issues. Many of his cases involved foreign law issues and he has experience of dealing with claims arising in North and South America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia as well as across the EU.
“Geraint is a fantastically effective advocate, who picks things up …and gets himself immersed in seconds”, “technically extremely strong and always a pleasure to work with.” (Chambers UK 2023); “…a very strategic thinker. Deeply experienced in product cases, group actions and business and human rights claims” (Legal 500 2023).
Commercial Litigation, professional negligence and major property damage claims: Geraint is ranked as a leading silk by the directories in Commercial Litigation, Property Damage and Professional Negligence. His work encompasses a range of commercial disputes as well as major property damage claims, including oil spill cases, industrial explosions and major fires.
“Geraint is very, very bright… [he] is very responsive and reassuring to the client. He is close to the detail and exercises astute judgement…” (Chambers UK 2023, Property Damage). He “delivers creative and innovative solutions to complex problems.” “He cuts through things and gets to the heart of a matter. He gives clients confidence.” (Chambers UK 2023, Commercial Litigation). “He is formidably intelligent, but remarkably free of ego – he will constantly consider strategy and how best to build and deploy a client’s case.” (Legal 500 2022, Commercial Litigation)
Public Inquiries and Inquests: Geraint has experience of acting in public inquiries and is regularly instructed in complex Inquests, frequently acting for manufacturers and producers. He is identified as a leading silk with “astute judgement” (Legal 500 2023) in this area. He has acted for a manufacturer in the Grenfell Tower fire public inquiry and related civil claims and has advised in respect of other public inquiries.
Insurance and Re-insurance: Geraint is recommended as a specialist in insurance; his work in this area dovetails with his product liability, property damage and commercial litigation practices: “Extremely bright and committed, tough when needed, and fabulous client care.” (Legal 500 2023).
For more information about the way barristers at Henderson Chambers work, including our terms of engagement, fee transparency statement and our complaints process, please click here. Barristers are regulated by the Bar Standards Board.
Please click here for a copy of Geraint Webb’s privacy policy.
Product Liability and domestic Group Litigation
Geraint has acted in many of the largest and highest profile product liability claims of the last 25 years. He is listed by the directories in the top tier of leading silks for both product liability and group litigation.
He has acted for producers, distributors and retailers across a wide range of sectors, including life sciences/pharmaceuticals (e.g. acting for GSK, Sanofi, Bayer) and medical devices (e.g. Smith & Nephew, Bausch + Lomb) , petrochemicals and extractive industries (e.g. Shell, Vedanta, Petra Diamonds), automotive (e.g. BMW, Iveco, Dana), aviation (Qatar Airways), engineering and power generation (e.g. Alstom), construction (e.g. Kingspan), consumer goods, food and drink, agriculture and retail (eg Camellia, Sainsbury’s, Argos, Homebase).
Geraint has considerable experience of multi-party commercial product liability litigation and sale of goods cases, including product recalls, related insurance coverage issues, contractual exemption clauses and jurisdictional issues.
He has also advised and acted in many of the UK’s largest food and drink contamination and recall incidents of recent years. His domestic group action/mass tort claims experience also encompasses industrial disease, environmental and contamination claims.
Co-author: Clinical Negligence (6th Ed), Product Liability for Medicinal Products.
Experience includes
- Strike out of the Primodos/hormone pregnancy test litigation (Sanofi)
- Qatar Airways v Airbus A350 litigation (acting for the claimant)
- VW diesel NOx emissions litigation (VW dealerships)
- The Grenfell Tower fire Inquiry and civil claims (Kingspan)
- Dana UK Axle Ltd v Freudenberg FST GmbH
- Metal on Metal hip implant litigation (Smith & Nephew)
- PIP breast implant litigation (BMI)
- Asbestos litigation: Concept 70 Limited v. Cape Intermediate Holdings PLC
- The Avandia Litigation (GSK)
- The Acomplia Litigation (Sanofi)
- Austin & Ors v Miller Argent (South Wales): alleged environmental nuisance
- The Fetal Anti-Convulsant Litigation (Sanofi)
- Argos & Homebase v Leather Trade House Limited (Argos)
- Factor VIII Blood Contamination Litigation
- Eskom v Alstom litigation – power station explosion in South Africa
- Sudan Red food contamination claims
- The Para Red food contamination litigation
- The Benzene drink contamination litigation
- Civil claims arising from the Buncefield explosion
- Petrol Contamination Litigation
Representative cases
grid list-
The hormone pregnancy test group litigation
Geraint Webb KC led Lucy McCormick, instructed by Arnold & Porter, on behalf of Aventis/Sanofi in the successful strike out of the Primodos/hormone pregnancy test group litigation claims: Wilson & Oths v Bayer Pharma AG, Schering Healthcare Limited, Aventis Pharma Limited and Secretary of State for Health and Social Care [2023] EWHC 1282 (QB). Charles Gibson KC, James Purnell and William Moody acted for the first and second Defendants.
Qatar Airways v Airbus A350 litigation
Geraint Webb KC was part of the counsel team acting for the claimant in the high-profile legal dispute concerning A350 which was scheduled for a 9 week trial commencing in London in June 2023 and which was settled in February 2023: press release here.
Crossley v VWAG, Audi and others
Geraint Webb KC acted for the VW dealerships in respect of the VW Nos Emissions Group Litigation, including successfully defending the Claimants’ application for summary judgment and strike out Crossley v Volkswagen AG and others [2021] EWHC 3444 (QB).
Grenfell Tower civil claims
Acting for Kingspan Insulation Limited in respect of the civil claims arising out of the Grenfell Tower fire: Abdel-Kader & ors v Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea & ors [2022] EHWC 2006 (QB).
Dana UK Axle Ltd v Freudenberg FST GmbH [2021] EWHC 1751 (TCC) and [2021] EWHC 1413 (TCC)
Geraint Webb KC, leading Harrison Denner, acted for the successful claimant in this commercial product liability automotive litigation. The claimant recovered the full amount of its claim, with indemnity costs. Geraint obtained an order striking out all three of the Defendant’s experts mid-trial for failure to abide by the requirements of CPR Part 35.
Various v Smith & Nephew
Multi-party claims against manufacturer of metal on metal hip implants, part of the series of product liability claims which resulted in the judgment in Gee v De Puy International [2018] EWHV 1208 (QB).
Austin v Miler Argent (South Wales) Limited [2011] EWCA Civ 928
Geraint acted for the successful respondent in this appeal to the Court of Appeal. The Judge at first instance had declined to recommend the making of a group litigation order in respect of a putative group action claim relating to alleged environmental damage; the decision was upheld by the Court of Appeal.
The Fetal Anti Convulsant Litigation
Acting for the defendant pharmaceutical company in respect of group litigation concerning personal injury allegedly caused by in utero exposure to sodium valproate, an anti-convulsant. Expert evidence included biostatics; epidemiology; teratology; clinical genetics; autistic spectrum disorders; adult neurology; paediatric neurology; neuropsychology; neonatology; maternal fetal medicine; pharmacology; and pharmaceutical regulation. The claims were discontinued shortly before the 3 month trial was due to commence.
International Group Litigation, environmental and human rights claims
Geraint Webb KC is ranked in the top tier by the directories in Group Litigation and also ranked as a leader in Environmental law. He regularly acts for multi-national companies in respect of operations in foreign jurisdictions in respect of ESG risks, parent company liability issues and/or alleged responsibilities arising from supply chain or shareholder/investor relationships. He has particular experience in relation to environmental damage and business and human rights claims.
Geraint regularly advises corporate clients in respect of ESG matters, including advising on the setting up and implementation of Operational Grievance Mechanisms (OGM) under the United Nation’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
‘Incredibly bright and a very strategic thinker. Deeply experienced in product cases, group actions and business and human rights claims.’ (Chambers UK 2023)
Representative cases
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Claims against Camellia plc in Kenya and Malawi
Geraint Webb leading Adam Heppinstall KC and instructed by a team led by Heather Gagen and Stephanie Lee at Travers Smith, in respect of parent company/human rights claims brought by Leigh Day against Camellia plc in relation to farming operations by subsidiaries in Kenya and Malawi
Claims against Petra Diamonds
Geraint, leading Adam Heppinstall KC and instructed by a team led by Jonathan Isted and Simon Duncombe at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer to advise Petra Diamonds in relation to the settlement with claimants instructing Leigh Day. The claims concerned human rights allegations associated with third-party security operations in relation to a diamond mine in Tanzania. The public statement in relation to the settlement is here.
Vedanta Resources v Lungowe
Group litigation claim concerning alleged environmental damage in the Copperbelt of Zambia allegedly arising from copper mining by Konkola Copper Mines plc, then a subsidiary of Vedanta. Jurisdictional challenge went to the Supreme Court [2019] UKSC 20; [2020] AC 1045.
The Bodo Group Action
Acting for Shell in a mass international environmental group action (oil spills in the Niger Delta) brought by 15,000 claimants in London. The clean-up injunction proceedings were stayed by Cockerill J [2018] EWHC 1377 (TCC) when she gave useful guidance on when a Court will stay a case to allow for a novel ADR process. Judgments have also been given by Coulson J and Akenhead J.
Commercial Litigation/ arbitration, major property damage claims and professional negligence claims
Geraint is ranked in the directories as a leading silk by the directories in Commercial Litigation, Property Damage litigation and Professional Negligence. He acts in a range of high value commercial disputes and claims and in related areas of insurance and reinsurance.
He has particular experience in commercial supply of goods cases, major property damage claims, including oil spill cases, industrial explosions, major fires, industrial plant failures and related engineering, metallurgical and polymer issues. He has dealt with many cross-border claims, claims determined under the foreign law of various countries. Such actions frequently involve multiple parties and related product liability and/or professional indemnity and insurance coverage issues. He regularly appears in the Technology and Construction Court.
Geraint also has experience of various forms of arbitration procedures including ICC, UNCITRAL, LCIA, and ad hoc arbitrations as well as adjudications.
“Geraint is hugely knowledgeable, gets stuck into the detail where necessary and delivers creative and innovative solutions to complex problems.” (Chambers UK 2023, Commercial Dispute Resolution, Chambers Global).
“Geraint is extremely bright, very quick to absorb tricky technical matters, strategic, commercial and persuasive.’ (Legal 500 2023)
“Geraint is very, very bright… [he] is very responsive and reassuring to the client. He is close to the detail and exercises astute judgement as to what the appropriate next step would be. He has a strong, compelling and clear advocacy style.”
Geraint is hugely knowledgeable, gets stuck into the detail where necessary and delivers creative and innovative solutions to complex problems.” “He cuts through things and gets to the heart of a matter. He gives clients confidence.” (Chambers UK, Property Damage 2023) (Chambers UK Commercial Litigation 2023).
Representative cases
grid list-
Qatar Airways v Airbus A350 litigation
Geraint Webb KC was part of the counsel team acting for the claimant in the high-profile legal dispute concerning A350 aircraft which was scheduled for a 9 week trial commencing in London in June 2023 and which was settled in February 2023; press release here.
Grenfell Tower civil claims
Acting for Kingspan Insulation Limited in respect of the civil claims arising out of the Grenfell Tower fire: Abdel-Kader & ors v Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea & ors [2022] EHWC 2006 (QB).
Crossley v VWAG, Audi and others
Geraint Webb KC acted for the VW dealerships in respect of the VW Nos Emissions Group Litigation, including successfully defending the Claimants’ application for summary judgment and strike out Crossley v Volkswagen AG and others [2021] EWHC 3444 (QB).
Dana UK Axle Ltd v Freudenberg FST GmbH [2021] EWHC 1751 (TCC) and [2021] EWHC 1413 (TCC)
Geraint Webb KC and Harrison Denner acted for the successful claimant in this commercial product liability automotive litigation. The claimant recovered the full amount of its claim, with indemnity costs. Geraint was successful in applying to strike out all three of the Defendant’s experts mid-trial for failure to abide by the requirements of CPR Part 35.
Cape Intermediate Holdings Ltd v Dring (for and on behalf of Asbestos Victims Support Groups Forum UK) [2020] AC 629] Supreme Court; remitted to the High Court [2020] EWHC 1873 (QB)
Geraint acted for the appellant in this matter concerning principles of open justice in the context of commercial litigation. Following a series of trials relating to insurance and product liability issues concerning asbestos-related industrial disease, an application was brought by a non-party for disclosure of the trial bundle used in one of the hearings. The Master hearing the application ordered disclosure of the trial bundle, the matter was appealed to the Supreme Court and remitted to the trial judge, resulting in an order for limited disclosure of certain documents, but not of the whole trial bundle.
The Benzene Litigation: Messer Ltd v Britvic Soft Drinks & Ors [2002] EWCA Civ 548
As junior counsel, Geraint acted for the manufacturer in this notable series of commercial cases concerning contamination of carbon dioxide by benzene, which went to the Court of Appeal. The litigation involved detailed consideration of issues of physical damage in contract and tort. See more information here.
Argos and Homebase v Leather Trade House Limited [2012] EWHC 1348 (QB)
Geraint acted for the Claimants in their successful recovery from the defendant in respect of claims paid out to consumers arising from damaged furniture causing skin irritation.
Eskom v Alstom litigation
Geraint Webb, led by Charles Gibson KC, acted for the defendant engineering company in respect of a major explosion at a power station in South Africa.
Commercial claims arising from a pan-European product recall, including multiple foreign law claims.
Public Inquiries and Inquests
Geraint is ranked by Chambers UK as a leading expert in public inquiries and inquests and has considerable experience of a range of employer’s liability and industrial disease claims, including accidents at work, asbestosis, mesothelioma, and hazardous substance exposure claims.
He acted for Kingspan Insulation Limited in the Grenfell Tower fire public inquiry and has advised clients in respect of other public inquiries. He has represented interested persons in numerous inquests, including manufacturers of vehicles, pharmaceutical and medical devices.
Insurance and Re-insurance
Geraint is recommended as a specialist in insurance; his work in this area dovetails with his product liability, property damage and commercial litigation practices: “Extremely bright and committed, tough when needed, and fabulous client care.” (Legal 500 2023).
Mediation & Alternative Dispute Resolution
Geraint qualified as a CEDR accredited mediator in 2000. He has then been instructed in a large number of mediations in relation to a wide range of commercial disputes, procurement disputes and regulatory compliance disputes. He regulatory acts as a sole mediator, as a co-mediator in complex multi-party mediations, as well as representing parties in complex mediations.
What the directories say
"He really gets into the detail and is incredibly intelligent."
Chambers UK 2025, Commercial Dispute Resolution
"Geraint is absolutely superb."
Chambers UK 2025, Commercial Dispute Resolution
"He is practical and understands the commercial demands and considerations of the client."
Chambers UK 2025, Commercial Dispute Resolution
"He always demonstrates clarity of thought and provides coherent advice."
Chambers UK 2025, Commercial Dispute Resolution
"He is a rising star."
Chambers UK 2025, Commercial Dispute Resolution
News and articles
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Legal 500 2025 Guide – Top Tier Rankings for...
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Instructing Geraint Webb KC
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- Deputy High Court Judge (2019 to 2025)
- King’s Counsel (QC 2013)
- CEDR Accredited Mediator (2000)
- Contributor to Clinical Negligence (6th Ed) Product Liability for Medical Products (Bloomsbury, 2023)
- Contributor to: Butterworths Encyclopedia of Product Liability Law
- Contributor to: Clinical Negligence (5th Ed), Product Liability for Medical Products (2015)
- Halsbury’s Laws – Practice and Procedure (2001)
- The Civil Practitioner’s Guide to the Human Rights Act 1998
- Commercial Bar Association
- London Common Law & Commercial Bar Association
- Procurement Lawyers Association
- Association of Regulatory & Disciplinary Lawyers
- Personal Injuries Bar Association
- Princess Royal Scholarship (1994)
- Inner Temple Scholarship (1993)
- BA (Oxon) First Class Honours (1992)
- Exhibitioner of Christ Church (1990)
All members of Chambers are registered with the Bar Standards Board of England and Wales. For our standard contractual terms click here.
For more information about the way barristers at Henderson Chambers work, including our fee transparency statement and our complaints process, please click here.
Bar Council Number: 33987
VAT Registration Number: 681602930
Legal Status: King’s Counsel
Professional Insurance: All members of Chambers have professional liability insurance provided by the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund Ltd. Territorial coverage is world-wide and subject to the term of the Bar Mutual. Click here for details.
Regulated by the Bar Standards Board.