CogX is the leading Artificial Intelligence and emerging tech festival, bringing together CEOs, entrepreneurs, academics and policy-makers. Last night at the awards evening at The O2, Lucy McCormick received two awards for her work in relation to autonomous vehicles and artificial intelligence. The first was in the category of ‘Outstanding Achievements and Research in Tech Regulation’. The second was the ‘Peace and Justice Strong Institutions Award’, which recognises the “contributions of a key player in the tech field who has shown sustained commitment to responsible and cutting edge innovation, as well as mentorship and leadership within the community”.
Lucy is a co-author of The Law and Autonomous Vehicles (Routledge; 2019), one of the first major legal texts on the subject. She is also a contributor to the leading legal textbook, Law of Artificial Intelligence (Sweet and Maxwell; 2020), encompassing both embodied and unembodied AI. Lucy has also liaised extensively with the Law Commissions – both in her own right and on behalf of the Bar Council – in relation to their consultation on automated vehicle law.
She is ranked in the Chambers and Partners UK Bar Guide for both Information Technology and Product Liability. This reports that “Lucy McCormick has a rapidly growing practice at the Technology Bar… She is experienced in acting in group action and multi-party litigation and in any related reputation concerns….She is phenomenal at communicating with clients – she really cuts through complex cases in an incisive way and gets her point across.”
Lucy lectures nationally and internationally, with engagements including the European Robotics Forum, the Future of Transportation World Congress, the Society for Computers and Law, the Government Legal Department, and London Tech Week.
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