“Unfair Relationships” Revisited
“Unfair Relationships” Revisited: Black Horse Limited v Conlon
Dennis Rosenthal writes:
Judgment in Black Horse Limited v Conlon was delivered in the Leeds District Registry, Queen Bench Division of the High Court, on 7th November 2012.
This was an appeal by Black Horse against a finding of unfair relationships in favour of the Respondent, Mrs Conlon, in the Manchester County Court.
Mr Recorder Atherton had found for Mrs Conlon, to the effect that the non-disclosure of commission and extent of the commission payable to Black Horse in respect of a PPI policy in the sum of £1340 out of a premium of £3347.46, relating to a loan of £17,500 secured by second charge, gave rise to an unfair relationship under s140A Consumer Credit Act 1974(“CCA 1974”).
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