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Hendersons - Barristers' Chambers

Inquests, Inquiries & Investigations

"In the forefront of the field of inquests and inquiries"

Henderson Chambers has an enormous wealth of experience in inquests and public inquiries representing clients in the private and public sector.

The members of Henderson Chambers are ideally placed to represent the interests of properly interested persons in coronial proceedings by virtue of our dual recognition as a leading set in product liability civil proceedings and health & safety criminal proceedings.

Most currently, Henderson Chambers has no less than 13 members of Chambers representing parties in the Grenfell Tower Inquiry including members of the team of Counsel to the Inquiry, and representing Core Participants in the Inquiry. It also has 4 members of Chambers representing parties in the UK Covid-19 Inquiry.

Whether it is the private sector (construction, oil & gas, transport, agriculture, manufacturing, retail, pharmaceutical, care homes, property) or public sector (Government departments, Governmental agencies, NHS trusts, police authorities, the fire service) or a mixture of the two (public/private ventures, Network Rail), Henderson Chambers has an enormous wealth of experience in Inquests and Public Inquiries.

This expertise has been drawn from decades of experience in the field (including in the Kings Cross Fire Inquiry; BP Algeria Inquiry; Clapham Rail Disaster Inquiry; Marchioness Inquiry; Ladbroke Grove Inquiry; Shipman Inquiry; Litvinenko Inquiry; and the Infected Blood Inquiry).

We have several members of the Attorney General’s panel of Counsel who represent the State in Article 2 inquests arising out of deaths in the armed forces and deaths in custody.

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Representative cases

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  • Grenfell Tower Inquiry (2017-)

    Andrew Kinnier named as Counsel to the Grenfell Tower Inquiry

    A number of Counsel are also acting for a Core Participants involved in the Grenfell Tower Inquiry, and this has required ongoing advice and representation throughout the last 12 months

  • Pret a Manger (2018)

    Acting for Pret in very high profile case following the death of a 15 year old girl who suffered an allergic reaction after eating a baguette purchased from Pret.  The inquest took place in September 2018 and there are ongoing proceedings.

    Link to press coverage here

  • Signature Living / Titanic Hotel (2018)

    Case arising from a fatal accident at the Titanic Hotel in Liverpool (former headquarters of the White Start Line). Customer fell over an historic (but low) bannister; dispute as to whether the bannister ought to have been changed dispute the heritage status.  Two week inquest with ongoing criminal proceedings.  Acting for the owners of the hotel.

    Link to press coverage here.

  • Walkabout Chain, Swansea Inquest (2018)

    Acted for the owners of the Walkabout chain of pubs at a 2 ½ week inquest in Swansea, following the death of worker trapped by a lift. Following legal argument advanced by Counsel, the inquest concluded with a conclusion of accidental death.

    Link to press coverage here.

  • British Cycling Inquest (2018)

    Acting for British Cycling and the circuit owners at week long Inquest arising out of a fatality at a cycle circuit race accident. The Inquest concluded with a conclusion of accidental death.

    Link to press coverage here 

Inquests, Inquiries & Investigations Barristers

Charles Gibson KC
Call: 1984 Silk: 2001

Prashant Popat KC
Call: 1992 Silk: 2008

Geraint Webb KC
Call: 1995 Silk: 2013

Oliver Campbell KC
Call: 1992 Silk: 2014

Malcolm Sheehan KC
Call: 1993 Silk: 2015

Toby Riley-Smith KC
Call: 1995 Silk: 2016

Andrew Kinnier KC
Call: 1996 Silk: 2018

Angus Withington KC
Call: 1995 Silk: 2021

Adam Heppinstall KC
Call: 1999 Silk: 2021

Tim Green KC
Call: 1996 Silk: 2022

Kathleen Donnelly KC
Call: 2005 Silk: 2023

James Palmer
Call: 1983

Noel Dilworth
Call: 2001

James Purnell
Call: 2002

Abigail Cohen
Call: 2005

Lucy McCormick
Call: 2008

Hannah Curtain
Call: 2010

James Williams
Call: 2010 (Solicitor: 2008)

Chloe Campbell
Call: 2011

Christopher Adams
Call: 2014

Thomas Mallon
Call: 2019

Isha Shakir
Call: 2022

Vishnu Patel
Call: 2021

Jamie Hill KC (Door Tenant)
Call: 1984 Silk: 2006

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