In the spirit of Christmas, and in lieu of sending Christmas cards to our clients, Henderson Chambers is making a donation to Cruse Bereavement Support.
Cruse Bereavement Support helps people through one of the most painful times in life – with bereavement support, information and campaigning. Cruse has a network of 5,000 specially trained bereavement volunteers who give an amazing amount of their own time, to support bereaved people in their local communities and operate a free-phone national helpline run by trained bereavement volunteers who offer emotional support to anyone affected by grief.
“We are extremely grateful to Henderson Chambers for their generous support this Christmas which is so important in helping us continue to be there for bereaved people. Christmas can be a particularly difficult time for bereaved people. Whether it’s your first Christmas since they died, or you lost someone many years ago, we’re here to help you cope with how you’re feeling. Our helpline 0808 808 1677 is open throughout the Christmas period. For support and to find out more information visit”
We wish to thank each and every one of our clients for your continued support and wish you all the very best for Christmas and New Year.
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