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Hendersons - Barristers' Chambers
News Commercial 10th Oct 2019

Top Tier Rankings for Henderson Chambers in Chambers UK Bar 2020

Chambers UK 2020 describes the clerking team at Henderson Chambers as “anxious to help and you always get the sense that they’re a very collegiate set which comes across in the work they do.” “John White, the senior clerk, is phenomenal. In terms of client service, they make sure things go smoothly and pull out all the stops to add value.”

“The clerks are great at understanding the nature of the problem and knowing what you need. They’re anxious to help and you always get the sense they are a very collegiate set because it comes across in the work they do.”

“The clerks always bend over backwards to help.” Daniel Kemp is senior practice manager. “John White’s reputation precedes him; he’s the king of clerks.”

Henderson Chambers is delighted to have been recommended as a Top Tier Set in Health & Safety and Product Liability and recommended as a Leading Set in 3 other practice areas:

12 QCs are listed in the ‘Leading Silks’ section. A further 13 barristers are listed as ‘Leading Juniors’. Additional practice areas with Leading Silks and Leading Junior rankings include:

Chambers UK 2020 is now available online. You can view the results for Henderson Chambers and its members here.

Once again we would like to take this opportunity to thank our clients for their continued and valued support.

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