Top Tier Rankings for Henderson Chambers in Legal 500 2020
The Legal 500 UK 2020, describes Henderson Chambers as “A ‘first-class set for product liability and personal injury’, Henderson Chambers becomes ‘a go-to set when the two areas combine’, according to solicitors. The set is also ‘the first port of call’ for health and safety work, and has ‘a very good range of counsel – from QCs to impressive juniors to very competent junior juniors’. In recent chambers news, regulatory specialist Tim Green joined from Outer Temple Chambers, while John White announced he will be retiring on 31 May 2020 after almost 30 years in chambers as Chief Clerk. The clerking team ‘reflects John’s emphasis on client care’; senior practice manager Daniel Kemp is ‘an asset to the set’. Overall the team is described as ‘efficient with fee notes and always willing to make counsel available and to facilitate accessibility’. Practice managers Nick Bryant, Daniel Smith, and Joseph Sutton are ‘always helpful and responsive‘; Shaun Wright has joined as a junior clerk from One Essex Court.”
Henderson Chambers is delighted to have been recommended as a Top Tier Set in Health & Safety and Product Liability and recommended as a Leading Set in 6 other practice areas:
- Banking and Finance (including Consumer Credit)
- Consumer
- Environment
- Financial Services Regulation
- Property Litigation
- Public Procurement
14 QCs are listed in the ‘Leading Silks’ section and 1 QC listed in the 2018 silks list. A further 19 barristers are listed as ‘Leading Juniors’. Additional practice areas with Leading Silks and Leading Junior rankings include:
- Administrative and Public Law ( including Local Government)
- Agriculture
- Commercial Litigation
- EU Law
- Employment
- IT and Telecoms (including Data Protection)
- Inquests and Inquiries
- Insurance and Reinsurance
- Personal Injury
- Proceeds of Crime Act and asset forfeiture
- Professional Discipline and Regulatory Law
- Professional Negligence
The Legal 500 UK 2020 is now available online. You can view the results for Henderson Chambers and its members here.
Once again we would like to take this opportunity to thank our clients for their continued and valued support.
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