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Hendersons - Barristers' Chambers
News 22nd Feb 2013

Professor Alan Dashwood CBE QC

Professor Alan Dashwood CBE QC speaks at City University’s inaugural lecture on 28th February.


Plans are afoot for the Member States of the Euro-Group to come together in a fiscal and banking union and ultimately in a political union in which, it seems likely, the United Kingdom will not wish to be included. What guarantees could the UK secure that its vital interests would be safeguarded if it remained   an EU Member State under such conditions? Rather than accepting second-class status as a peripheral member, could a rational case be made for the UK to leave the Union and negotiate a different legal relationship, such as membership of the European Economic Area? Are there reasons why the other Member States might be willing to make concessions in order to ensure the United Kingdom’s continued membership?

See his talk here.

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